Enjoy Your Comfort Zone


The subjects that we prefer to draw and the materials that we enjoy and are comfortable using make up our comfort zone.

Comfort zones like to be nurtured. They reflect what we enjoy sketching and the things that we love or that interest us. Even in our comfort zones, there are always challenges. We grow, learn, and have fun with each drawing that we do.

Some people may not even have a comfort zone. This is especially true for beginners where everything is new and challenging. How exciting to enjoy the newness!

Some people have big comfort zones and are comfortable drawing a wide variety of subjects and/or easily using a variety of materials.

Some people have small comfort zones, preferring one or two subjects and/or materials.

Some people are in the middle, somewhere nicely in between.

All of the comfort zones are wonderful. Comfort zones change over time as we continue to draw and explore. We want to enjoy and love our comfort zones just as we enjoy our favorite foods. So, let’s draw what calls to us and what feels comfortable because we are nurturing our inner artist. When it's time to expand and try something new, we'll know.


Big Comfort Zone

Small Comfort Zone

Middle Comfort Zone

Rest in the comfort zone.

Feel happy and creative deep inside.

Within our loving inner self,

Our expanding comfort zone abides.