Squint 'n Sketch

Art Journey Blog and Art by Sue Shockey

Hi! I'm Sue. Welcome to my art site where I share my art journey and my sketches and drawings (some of which aren't too bad).

You can read about me in the ABOUT section.

My BLOG is the main part of the site and shares bit and pieces about my on-and-off and now on art journey. I include occasional tips, suggestions, and encouragement too.

You can view my sketches and drawings in the ART section.

I also have some LINKS to other artists and art instruction, with a few links to guided meditations as well.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope that you have fun browsing!

Squinting at your subject is usually done

to blur details and clarify basic

shapes and shadows

and make drawing more fun.

Copyright February 17, 2024 - Present